A swinging evening

Where: The Energy and Technology Museum

What: The New Vision company’s evening

When: October 10th, 2013

Our hosts know that guests must be greeted warmly. Mead with hot apple juice and sea-buckthorn berries always lifts guests’ spirits and warms them up so that smiling would come more naturally. The museum was home to more than just technological inventions – there were floral inventions, too! A bouquet of flowers with fruit and red rowan berries matched so well with the cold metal, it seemed as though everything the hosts touched was made warm.

The aroma of fresh-baked bread hit you before you’d even had a chance to glance at the three different tables (one each for hot, cold and Italian snacks). Have a salmon pâté truffle with dried tuna shavings or a zucchini roll stuffed with blue cheese and dried tomatoes. Next, come to our bar table, where our barkeeps’ starched shirts and white gloves, shining in the dark, will offer you a strong drink.

Once you’re full from the crispy bacon-wrapped turkey medallions, mousse with forest berries, and duck morsels with apple jelly, your eyes will wander along the pipes on the walls or to your friendly colleague for a chat. Suddenly, a surprise – the covered black shaft opening, which you hadn’t even noticed when you entered, has produced a triple-chocolate cake, accompanied by fireworks.

It was a night of discovery – nothing else would do! “Everything was modern, everything was swinging,” – smiled Ms Jolanta.